Friday, April 3, 2015

Lord, Here We Are! Send Us!

It was a tearful goodbye as we left our families, friends and other loved ones behind, but we are so excited for the journey ahead of us.  We so appreciate all of the prayers, support, love and hard work that each of you have given in preparation for this trip. 
As we were boarding the bus and about to leave the school, I ran back inside just to double check that there weren't any bags left behind.  My heart was so warmed as I saw parents gathered together in the foyer praying for our team. I don't think I will ever forget that image.  We are so thankful for all of you who are praying for our safety, health and for God to move amongst our team and the people of Guatemala.  What an amazing blessing it is to have that kind of support behind us.  Thank you so much!
We will be boarding our plane this afternoon to reach our destination.  There is excitement and anticipation as this is becoming a reality. 
Lord, here we are! Send us. Isaiah 6:8.  What an amazing opportunity to share the love of Jesus in Guatemala. Thanking God for an incredible team of high school students who are willing to do all that God asks of them. We know His hand will work mightily through them.
We will keep you posted as often as we can! Thank you for sharing in this journey with us!


  1. It's such a great honor to be apart of the team through prayer! We are excited to see what God will do through each of you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Know that you are all covered in prayer!
